Does Christianity Have a Place in Business?

Emilie Mummau
2 min readSep 23, 2020

As a Bible College student and Business Major, I look at things from a unique perspective compared to most people in the business world. Bible College and Business Majors aren’t a typical combination, and most people see them as exact opposites. My goal on this blog is to shed some light on what it means to live out my faith as a Christian entering into the very secular environment of business. The business world is a highly corrupt place and one that is in need of Christian employees who can be image bearers of God through their work. As Christians, our actions at work should be motivated by God, and in turn, we will show others that Christianity is applicable, and vital, to all areas of life (Not just church on Sunday mornings).

The article linked at the beginning of this post is just one example of many where we see money and greed forming a wedge in relationships and revealing the emptiness of the things the world chases. Matthew 16:26 tells us that fame and money are fleeting and can all come crashing down at any moment. The world tells us that sin is “no big deal” because we don’t see the lasting consequences it has on us. In his book, Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate, author Jerry Bridges says, “When we see how really bad the bad news is, we’ll be in a better position to appreciate how really good the good news is” (Pg 26). When we choose to ignore the consequences of our sin, we can’t understand our need for God. So my challenge to you is, what is your motivating factor at work? Is it glorifying God, money, status or something else?

Check out this article as you begin to reflect on the true purpose of your work as a Christian and its significance to God:

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Works Cited

Bridges, Jerry. Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2007.

