The Gravity of Unthankfulness

Emilie Mummau
2 min readNov 9, 2020

Thankfulness is a popular topic around this time of year because of Thanksgiving coming up in just a few short weeks — a day dedicated to reflecting on all the things in our lives that we have to be grateful for. The article linked to this blog post is an indirect example of how unthankfulness has infiltrated American culture. In the past seven months, the economy has both rapidly risen and fallen due to the impacts of coronavirus. Even after a significant and rapid economic growth period over the summer months, signs are showing that the economy is headed for another slow down in the following months. In general, the main goal of the business industry is to make money. So even when they hit their sales goals, the goal just gets higher next time. Don’t get me wrong, achievement is not a bad thing. However, when achievement hinders our ability to be thankful, then it becomes a problem. We become people who are goal-chasers rather than God-chasers.

Bridges says that, “The truth is, our whole lives should be lives of continual thanksgiving” (Page 80). In so many ways, this is easier said than done. I certainly don’t wake up everyday excited and ready to give thanks for all the things God has given me. Often times, the later in the day it gets, the less thankful I feel. However, as a Christian, I know I have much to be thankful for, both tangible and intangible. Just the fact that I woke up today means God still has a purpose for my life, which is certainly something to be thankful for! Unthankfulness is a sneaky sin because it creeps into our lives quietly and we hardly even notice it in comparison to other more obvious sins, but the long term impact that it has on our hearts is lethal. Unthankfulness is often at the root of what leads to a path of even more sin and a hardened heart. Take some time to read the article linked at the bottom of this post as you consider the role of unthankfulness in your own life and the impact it has on the condition of your heart.

Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash

Works Cited

Bridges, Jerry. Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2007.

